Community News

Maclean Probus Club hold their AGM

30th March 2020

Maclean Probus held its AGM on Tuesday March 10. The election of office bearers was as follows: President – Ian Imrie; Vice President – Janine Sparks; Secretary – Ken Muller and Treasurer – Betty Irons.

President Ian welcomed members and guests to the first meeting general meeting of 2020.

Instead of our usual guest speaker, fellow members entertained us with readings and personal stories. Betty Irons Betty gave us poems, including, ’Smiling is Infectious’, ‘The Queue’ and Ben Adams. Maureen Castle told us about her trip to Ireland with her husband, her sisters and their husbands and of her experience in Rome with a fruit vendor. Chris Sparks read several poems, some of which he had written, ‘Travelling with the Toyota’, ‘The Ministers Dilemma’ and ‘Dorrigo’.

At the conclusion of the entertainment President Ian thanked Betty, Maureen and Chris for their interesting presentations, to the acclamation and appreciation of members and guests.

At this stage future meetings have been cancelled until further notice, due to the ongoing health crisis that affecting all of Australia.

Ken Muller