
Good on ya Ayden!

Ed, What an amazing on-going effort from Ayden who has now picked up 1000, 50 litre bags of other people’s rubbish from our local major roads (CVI 24/1/18). And manufacturing all this thoughtlessly dumped rubbish used millions of litres of water, a finite resource that is essential to life. Since water is such a vital resource it surprises me how little we value water as in Australia it is priced at less than a tenth of a cent per litre, according to Prof Penny Sackert, our former Chief Scientist. (ABC Radio National ‘Breakfast Show’ 2.12. 2010.) With such a low value placed on such an important finite resource, is it any wonder that we are the world’s highest users of water, for we use more than one million litre of freshwater per person each year? Still at least at present our water resources are in better shape than those of the four million residents of Capetown since, unless it rains, Capetown will run out of water in April. Capetown has the dubious honour of being the world’s first major city to run out of water and from April onwards all of Capetown’s residents will be restricted to 25 litres of water per day. The easiest way to use less water is to consider the amount of water used to manufacture the products you choose to use. So if you want to use less water, buy many more reusable products and buy far fewer throw-away products. I really congratulate Ayden, a young person for his ‘War on Waste’. But the only problem is that if you start buying reusable items in preference to convenient throw-away items, Ayden might be out of his present labour of love for the world he inherits from those of us who grew up in a far less wasteful era. But unlike the four million people of Capetown at least we’re unlikely to run out of water any time soon. All the best in the future you choose. Harry Johnson, Iluka